Do you ever get frustrated that you can’t remember anything about that great sermon you heard last week? Or maybe over the summer you read a really powerful book, and when your friend asked you about the content, you just gave her a vague, “Yeah, it was soooo good! You’ll love it!” because honestly you can’t remember any of the details. We’ve all been there all too frequently. We want to remember, but we just can’t seem to get it to stick. We have the desire to memorize Scripture, but if we haven’t repeated that verse in a couple of days, it’s totally gone. Or maybe you really have a great memory and can recite those Bible verses no problem, but when you’re honest, you don’t really feel like those verses have changed you and produced fruit in your life. That’s one of the main reason why I am creating this blog because there is an easier way to get God’s Word down deep inside of us through songs where it is living and actively producing fruit in our lives!
Putting Scripture to song is not only a great way to memorize God’s Word because song lyrics are so easy to remember, but the music itself actually stirs your heart. Psalm 45:1 says, “My heart is stirred by a beautiful song.” Like a farmer churns up the soil before planting the seeds, songs take the seed of the lyric down deep, where it will grow roots and produce fruit. Songs are a key way that we get the word of Christ richly dwelling in us.

Colossians 3:16-17 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
And if you want to grow even more through the songs you’re already listening to, here are a few things to think about:
When was the last time a song brought tears to your eyes? When a song moves you to tears, that’s evidence of it’s God-given power to soften and stir your heart. Do you avoid heart-stirring songs or welcome them? Go ahead! Let the tears flow and know that God is working his cleansing, healing power in your heart.
What is the primary purpose of music in your life? Entertainment, background noise, comfort, changing your mood, something to sing or play along with, pop culture engagement, or a coping mechanism for loneliness or depression? Not that any of these purposes are bad! We all benefit from how easily our mood can be lifted by a song. But how can we be more intentional to use music to help us grow?
Are you planting seeds of truth or lies? If you want stronger roots and greater fruit in your life, consider your song choices as seeds being planted in your heart. Plant good seeds of truth and you can expect good fruit. (Matt. 12:33-35)
let me send you on your way today with a song that has grown my heart in awe of god as our creator. i pray it does the same for you!
It’s called “Masterpiece” and it’s the second song in the SoulFULL Bible study journey. I encourage your to check it out if you long for fresh love, joy, and strength in your walk with Jesus. Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the blog if you want to keep growing a thriving relationship with Jesus through music!